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collective procrastination

Roughly paraphrased from a brief discussion:
[Procrastination]'s just a devastating cycle. When the [law] degree is so structured and restrictive, you just want to do other freer [extracurricular] things. But our degrees are the ultimate reason that we're here at university and so, after these [extracurriculars] have detracted from the time for our degrees, we find ourselves in this same position. Then suddenly we're all on Facebook, scrolling through [mindless junk] in our newsfeeds, coming back to it moments later...
 On a note that is less pensive but as sad, someone in class is eating sushi and I'm having cravings.


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Darren Ou Yong
4th year, Bachelor of International Studies & Bachelor of Laws
University of New South Wales
University of Geneva exchange student 2014

French-learning (DELF B2) corgi fan who loves singing in the shower, long walks on the beach, etc. Absolutely passionate about the law and learning about social justice, particularly anti-corruption. Does this suffice for an eHarmony bio?

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